Our Values


The Gifts God has GIven us

Our values are part of the way our church experiences God’s grace. They are the gifts He has placed in us and is offering to the world through us. God has gifted CTF in the areas of Multigenerational Community, Feasting Together, Liturgical Worship, Shared Ministry, and Hospitality. These values point to the unique shape of our life together.

Multigenerational Community

In a world that is often divided, we are committed to fostering a multigenerational community that embraces people of all ages. We celebrate the wisdom and experience of our elders and the energy and wonder of our little ones. Together, we learn, grow, and support one another, recognizing that every member has a unique role to play in the family of God.

Feasting Together

Food has a way of bringing people together and nurturing meaningful connections. At CTF, we believe in the power of breaking bread together as a way of expressing love, fostering fellowship, and celebrating life's moments. Whether during potluck after worship, on feast days, or simply in each other’s homes, gathering around tables is an extension of our worship gathered around the table of the Lord.

Liturgical Worship

Our worship services are deeply rooted in liturgical traditions, drawing from the rich history of Anglican worship. Through liturgy, we engage our hearts, minds, and bodies in a worship experience that is both reverent and relevant. Liturgical worship is formational, shaping Christ in us by providing a rhythm to journey with Christ together.

Shared Ministry

At CTF, we believe that every member is a minister, and every minister is vital to the life of the church. We encourage everyone to discover and use their unique gifts and talents in service and witness. Through shared ministry, we find purpose, fruitfulness, and a sense of belonging as we work together to build up the body of Christ.


Hospitality is at the heart of our church. We welcome all with open arms, embracing the “other,” and seeking to create a space where everyone who walks through our doors can encounter the welcome of Jesus. Whether you are a long-time member or a first-time visitor, you will find a warm and inviting community where you can connect, belong, and be known.

Join Us!

As the Lord continues to grow these gifts in us, we invite you to come and experience the warmth and joy of our multigenerational community, the fellowship shared over meals, the sacredness of our worship, the flourishing in shared ministry, and love expressed through hospitality.